Alysha McCabe
Alysha obtained her Bachelor of Podiatry degree from La Trobe University, receiving the Australian Podiatry Association (Vic) Award for Excellence in her final year of study. She held a position at leading technical footwear retailer Active Feet for many years and as such has a keen interest in the technology of athletic shoes and how they can be used as part of an overall management plan. She enjoys all aspects of Podiatry including sporting injuries, care for childrens feet, management and monitoring of the diabetic foot and care of all skin and nail conditions. Alysha has worked at many large sporting events in Melbourne including the Melbourne Marathon, various other fun runs and triathlons in Melbourne and at the 100km Oxfam Trailwalker event providing Podiatry services to sore and blistered feet in the middle of the night! Outside of Podiatry, Alysha enjoys playing netball and watching the footy.